Manufacturer of Isolators / Stockiest of Over Head Line Materials / Govt Contractors.
Installation of long-lasting compact fluorescent light (CFL) or light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs in workable area of Industry.
By developing good habit of “When not in use, turn off lights and equipment”
Avoiding repeated rewinding of motors , which causes heavy power loss.
Planning of Schedule power Shut-Downs and Start up in factory saves big revenue directly.
Outdated Electrical Infrastructure is to be replaced with latest Star rated low loss equipments.
Improvement of Power factor is very Important in Industry ,It reflects directly on Electricity Bill.
Checking out leaks for boiler and air distribution system saves a lot.
Using various frequency drives.
Harmonic control is also key saving factor.
Regular Maintains of Furnace /Cranes/Compressor /Electrical Equipments (Transformer, Earthing, Isolators, Motors ,DG Set ,Panels ) saves sound money.
Training and awareness program to employees regarding Energy (Power) can bring lots money in Profit bag of Industry.